About Me

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I am passionate about the written language. I love writing, reading, reviewing, selling and promoting books. I am an independent bookseller with over 20 years of experience in the book trade. Together with my partners, I actively aim to improve our bookstore's range and services to better reflect the needs of our community and clientele. In 2008, my memoir 'Under A Starless Sky' was published by Hachette, Australia. Since then, I had a short story 'Jasmine Petals' published in 'Stories of Belonging' (Finch) and in 2013, released my first full-length novel, The Russian Tapestry, also by Hachette. I am currently writing my second novel. I strive daily to improve my skills and stretch the limits of my craft. My love of books has naturally lead to reviewing. You can follow me on Twitter @B_Serov, Facebook www.facebook.com/BanafshehSerov and Goodreads www.goodreads.com/author/show/1429016.Banafsheh_Serov

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Almost French - Sarah Turnbull

Almost French
Sarah Turnbull

There is plenty we can learn from the French - appreciation of all things beautiful and how to avoid looking like a slob (someone who has not made an effort in dressing well is an assault to the French sensability). There is also a lot the French can learn from the rest of us -how to be inclusive and less hung up on all things French.

Light and fluffy like a soufle, Almost French documents the entertaining recollections of a young Sydney girl who falls in love with a 'very French Frenchman' and moves to Paris. Yes, a trite cliche, and one can be forgiven in assuming the book will descend into lots of lovely moments motoring through the city of Love, and reminiscences of sharing 'Eclair de chocolat' and flaky croissants. Thankfully Turnball avoids this well-trodden path and instead chooses to recount how she navigates the highs and lows of Parisian life as an outsider.

Initially puzzled by the cool rebuffing from her partner's friends and appalled by the strict adherence to everything from the order of food at mealtimes, to the manner of one's dress, Turnball struggles to fit into her new life. But like many expats around the world, she eventually grows to understand and appreciate the differences. Living within the peripherals of both cultures, the notion of home becomes confused as one culture fuses into the other to create its own identity.

Acutely insightful and filled with laugh-out loud observations, Almost French is about what it means to be a foreigner etching a life in the adopted homeland. 4 stars.


Katia said...

I've read this book 6 times so far!! Living in France since two years, being with a very French Frenchman myself, this book helped me sooo much understanding this species "French"! whenever I had yet another French crisis, I just took the book and felt less alien!
Even if I do know that there is a huge difference between Parisian life and life " en province" - where I live- French are all the same, in the end :-D

Banafsheh Serov said...

Hi Katia,

My girlfriend whose living with a very french Frenchman pressed this book in my hands and urged me to read it. And like you, she uses it as a mini reference bible!
Having visited France on an extended stay - a very looong time ago - I did find the French puzzling. I only wish I had read this book before embarking on my trip!